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Dispelling Myths about Transportation Electrification

By February 18, 2020September 30th, 2020Articles

The environment is one of the hot topics in modern society. Scientists are doing everything in their power to inform and raise public awareness about global warming. Road transport is currently responsible for  34% of GHG emissions  in Quebec. ( Lithion ) The electrification of transport is one of the measures proposed to decarbonize the planet. However, new questions are emerging following the arrival of these vehicles. Are they really the environmental solution to consider?

Environmental impact of GEEBEE

A study by Oxia Initiative Inc. has established that the GEEBEE, over the life of its battery (50,000 km), avoids  12 tonnes of GHGs . These data were collected by taking into account the amount of GHG emitted by the production of a Geebee and the amount of GHG saved by using a GEEBEE, while owning a car. The GEEBEE would be used by one person during short and medium distances.

The GEEBEE is  manufactured and assembled in Quebec . In addition,  80% of the parts are Canadian , which reduces transport. An assembly site is located in France in order to reduce the environmental impact for the European market. The GEEBEE can be recharged at home using a normal electrical outlet. No transport is therefore necessary to get to a charging station. It is also designed to be used for many years. Its average lifespan exceeds ten years. The battery life is approximately three years (if used every day).

Reusable and recyclable battery

Many people have questions or doubts about the electric battery, produced with raw materials that are difficult to extract, such as lithium and cobalt. However, you should know that it is now possible to reuse and then recycle these famous batteries. A car battery, after its use for the latter,  retains up to 80% of its initial capacity . Technology now allows us to adapt end-of-life batteries to different types of vehicles or to electrical networks, without requiring major changes. ( Government of Canada ) In France, the Doctibike company  works in the reconditioning and repair of electric bicycle batteries. The lifespan of a battery can therefore greatly exceed its initial duration.

Recycling of these batteries can even be done locally. One example is the Lithion company  , based in Montreal, which specializes in the recycling of electric batteries in order to recover materials and to reuse them. These materials are more concentrated and perfect for use. This is called  the circular economy . The company therefore makes it possible to further reduce GHG emissions from electric transport, to help the planet’s decarbonization needs.

Global regulations

Several countries have issued regulations on this subject to oblige companies to recycle their electric batteries. Indeed, in Europe, the  Battery Directive 2006/66 / CE , states that the producers of batteries and products containing batteries must ensure that there is a  collection site in  order to recover the batteries at the end of their life. This equates to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). In Quebec, EPR does not currently target electric vehicle batteries. ( Government of Quebec ) Will such a regulation see the light of day in the province? To be continued…